Dive Brief: Compared to a standard building, a multifamily structure constructed to Passive House standards can use up to 80% less energy for its day-to-day operations — and at about the same construction cost, according to a new report from the New York City-based Passive House Network, a building standards educator affiliated with the Passive House Institute. In a survey of 45 multifamily buildings in Massachusetts and New York built to…
Earth Day ’23 Recap
How are you celebrating Earth Day, April 22, 2023! This annual celebration is an opportunity to raise awareness and advocate for change around the issues most impacting our planet — and celebrate the beauty of Mother Earth. New York Passive House joined other organizations this past Sunday, where we joined with the climate and environmental communities, to connect and learn from each other, inviting new individuals into the movement. Featured:…
Embodied Carbon + Passive House
Embodied carbon is a hot topic—it was of interest in the IRA webinar we presented via the Passive House Network and last week, as a follow-up, Carmel's podcast on Nexus Labs was the most popular link in our newsletter! Have you read this article from Architectural Record? We asked Carmel to share a little more: Our study on the balance of embodied and operational carbon at Dekalb Commons has been cited again in this Architectural Record article. Our…