DIVE BRIEF Report: Passive House nears cost parity with traditional construction
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Kendall Rocco
, August 30, 2023 - Industry News
Mary Salmonsen - Click Here
Dive Brief:
- Compared to a standard building, a multifamily structure constructed to Passive House standards can use up to 80% less energy for its day-to-day operations — and at about the same construction cost, according to a new report from the New York City-based Passive House Network, a building standards educator affiliated with the Passive House Institute.
- In a survey of 45 multifamily buildings in Massachusetts and New York built to the Passive House standard, the PHN found that construction costs for Passive House buildings were only 3.5% higher on average than the cost of standard structures.
- Incentives such as housing finance programs and Inflation Reduction Act rebates can lower these costs even more, making many multifamily Passive House buildings cheaper to build than their conventional counterparts, the report said.
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