How to Sell Passive House: A Presentation & Discussion

611 Broadway, #626, New York, NY, 10012 611 Broadway, #626, New York, NY, United States

Join us for a presentation and discussion on best practices for marketing Passive House to clients, potential homebuyers, and the general public. The session, led by real estate broker and green home specialist, John Oppermann, will draw on lessons learned from marketing sustainability in other sectors (e.g., sustainable fashion and sustainable food) and explore the...

Passive house As An Indoor Air Quality Strategy

Webinar New York, NY

Passive House standards are widely recognized as the gold standard for building energy efficiency. However, focusing solely on energy savings overlooks one of their greatest benefits: significantly enhanced indoor air quality. This presentation delves into various indoor air quality metrics and demonstrates how Passive House standards surpass code-minimum construction in improving these factors. By combining...

The Cornerstones Of Thermal Comfort: High Performance Windows – EMU

Webinar New York, NY

Windows and exterior doors play a key role in the success of any project. They open up the building to daylight and exterior views, and allow for natural ventilation. They are a key factor in a building energy balance, and can provide free heating via passive solar gains. They are also one of the most...