NYPH Webinar presented by Partel – Best Practice for Air and Windtight Structures

Webinar New York, NY

This CPD focuses on the importance of air and wind tightness in low-energy building design. It discusses the importance of external and internal membranes, and highlights best practice for their specification, sealing, and installation, whilst outlining the risks associated with airtight buildings and how best to mitigate them.   PHI Credits: 1 LU & AIA...

Electrify Responsibly with Passive House

Webinar New York, NY

Follow the journey of the Good Energy Haus—Minneapolis’ first certified Passive House Plus—towards climate neutrality. See how an all-electric setup works in a very cold climate zone that is traditionally dominated by gas appliances. Learn about the challenges, successes and first-hand experiences, and understand the opportunities electrification presents. 6:00 PM CET (Europe/Berlin)/ 5:00 PM UTC, other...

Unlock the Future of Retrofitting: Learn How Dextall’s S-Wall System Outperforms EIFS

Webinar New York, NY

Join Dextall’s expert team for an in-depth exploration of the innovative  S-Wall system, a cost-effective and sustainable alternative to EIFS for retrofitting and new construction projects. Learn how S-Wall provides superior thermal insulation, faster installation, and modern utility integration while being fully compliant with NYC’s strict façade and energy efficiency regulations. S-Wall is engineered for retrofitting...

NYPH Webinar: presented by Rockwool – A sustainable path forward – Embodied Carbon and EPDs

Webinar New York, NY

Along with energy and conservation measures, stability trends are continuously becoming more robust with high focus on carbon emissions, product transparency and resiliency. Importantly, is the embodied Carmen impacts of building materials are becoming one of the primary measurements of a products stability. The use of environmental product declarations (EPD) is increasing where understanding the...

NextGen Social

39 West 13th Street New York, NY 10011

Join our first NextGen social with fellow Passive House enthusiasts! Welcome to NYPH's NextGen! We’re excited to introduce NYPH’s new group for emerging professionals—ideal for students, young professionals, and anyone interested in exploring a career in the Passive House industry. Our mission is to help build and support the next generation of Passive House professionals....

Reimagine Buildings Biomaterials Conference

Reimagine Buildings: Biomaterials explores how to create healthy buildings that not only reduce carbon emissions but also sequester and store them. We'll share the best biomaterial solutions out there and how they’re being applied to high-performance buildings: • Why Biomaterials are crucial for climate solutions; • How to measure carbon storage in materials; and • How to implement carbon-storing solutions...

CLA Young Professionals Holiday Party

Center for Architecture 536 LaGuardia Pl., NY, NY, United States

  On December 19, join the young professionals of the Cross-Learning Alliance for an ugly sweater holiday party! Read More

How to Sell Passive House: A Presentation & Discussion

611 Broadway, #626, New York, NY, 10012 611 Broadway, #626, New York, NY, United States

Join us for a presentation and discussion on best practices for marketing Passive House to clients, potential homebuyers, and the general public. The session, led by real estate broker and green home specialist, John Oppermann, will draw on lessons learned from marketing sustainability in other sectors (e.g., sustainable fashion and sustainable food) and explore the...

Join us for Reimagine Buildings: Electrification

Webinar New York, NY

Are you ready to electrify everything? Join us to explore innovative strategies that building professionals can use to tackle climate change through electrification. Learn how to navigate challenges like domestic hot water systems and infrastructure upgrades, collaborate across disciplines to accelerate the transition, and discover emerging technologies and case studies that demonstrate improved performance and...

Passive house As An Indoor Air Quality Strategy

Webinar New York, NY

Passive House standards are widely recognized as the gold standard for building energy efficiency. However, focusing solely on energy savings overlooks one of their greatest benefits: significantly enhanced indoor air quality. This presentation delves into various indoor air quality metrics and demonstrates how Passive House standards surpass code-minimum construction in improving these factors. By combining...