We’re on a mission to collect performance and cost data from multifamily Passive House buildings in the U.S.

Why should anyone contribute to this database?

In 2019, HPD, CPC, Bright Power, and Steven Winters Associates went on a mission to identify and collect performance and cost data from multifamily Passive House buildings. While Passive House has demonstrated great success for decades, there currently isn’t a database dedicated to capturing and publishing cost and energy data from Passive House projects. This lack of available data has made it challenging for lenders to incorporate the improved performance into the underwriting of affordable housing projects.

We are Urban Sustainability graduate students at The City College of New York and our goal is to build a database that will host this valuable information as a means of enabling lenders to develop underwriting standards that better reflect the true costs of Passive House projects and help overcome incremental first cost barriers that prevent wider adoption. Our hope is that this database will also benefit professionals in the Passive House community in addition to others in the multifamily ecosystem.

We have received data from several generous building owners and architects, but are still in the early stages of developing this database. You’ve already made the world a better place by creating a building that saves significant amounts of energy. By filling out this short survey, your contribution will ultimately help bring more Passive House projects to fruition.