Passive House Certification by the Passive House Institute and its worldwide network of accredited certifiers has a long track record of reliable quality assurance. Yet as Passive House grows in adoption, financial lenders and regulators may require further onsite third-party verification. To meet these requirements the North American Certifiers Circle is establishing a new optional third-party verification program called VeriPHy. VeriPHy provides a framework for third-party verification and the requisite professional training establishing certified VeriPHiers.
The first VeriPHy training will be held on February 1st, 9am to 5pm, in New York City. To register and purchase your ticket for the training, please visit the NACC: VeriPHier Training Eventbrite page.
Why VeriPHy?
VeriPHy is an additional service elected by the building owner, typically in response to a non-profit organization or government agency conditioning its incentives supporting the development and construction of Passive House buildings or EnerPHit remodelling upon onsite verification by a person independent of the design and/or construction teams. VeriPHy is not required for Passive House Institute-accredited Passive House or EnerPHit building certification.
VeriPHier Training
In order to qualify to provide Passive House VeriPHier services, successful completion of a one day training program and exam by qualified professionals is required. The training will focus on appreciation of following key issues as they pertain to Passive House certification:
• Key Passive House Certification criteria;
• Photo-documentation protocols;
• Interpretation and understanding of blower-door test reports; and
• Passive House mechanical systems, including balanced ventilation systems with heat recovery as well as domestic hot water generation and distribution.
Who can become a VeriPHier?
The following professional qualify to participate:
• Certified Passive House Consultants or Designers*
• Certified Passive House Tradespersons*
• Qualified Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) professionals such as HERS Raters
• Qualified Building Performance Institute (BPI) professionals
• Certified Energy Advisors certified by Natural Resources Canada
• Professionals with demonstrable qualifications in Passive House related building science.
* Professionals with similar accreditation by PHIUS also qualify.
For a fuller explanation of the VeriPHier program see the initial program announcement.