The Green Solutions Awards are back! This competition for sustainable buildings, districts and infrastructures organised by Construction21 and its partners aims to bring out exemplary achievements from around the world, to share them to as many people as possible and to inspire the profession to accelerate the reduction of its carbon emissions.From iPHA:The Green Solutions Awards are back! Help spread Passive House best practices, increase your visibility and aim at an additional distinction for your work! The award ceremony will take place during the next UN Climate Conference (COP 28) – but no matter if your project gets nominated or not, all case studies will be published on various social media channels as soon as completed!All you need to send to before February 28, 2023 is: – a link to your project on the Passive House database– a short description of your project highlighting its special features and the reasons why it should be nominated (10 lines)– a few high resolution pictures (around 4, best 8-10) with copyrightsAdditional TIP!To increase your chances of winning, you may also enter on the Construction21 database:– GHG emissions (GHG in use can be found in the PER sheet in the PHPP)– costs estimates– some information about water management, indoor air quality etc– a short description about the urban environment– anything else you may think relevant (monitoring results, additional sustainability aspects)
Green Solutions Awards 2022-2023: Time to Apply!
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