Gain free access to the iPHA Forum

Through our affiliation with the International Passive House Association, New York Passive House members are also iPHA members. Access to the Forum is included as a member benefit. Now iPHA is expanding access to include PassREg members. See their press release below:

Where Passive House Stakeholders meet
The forum of the International Passive House Association (iPHA) serves as the international gathering place for discussions on all things Passive House.

Traditionally a special benefit for iPHA members, the iPHA forum is the place to connect with other energy efficiency experts and Passive House practitioners worldwide and get your Passive House questions.

In addition to the 2,500 iPHA members worldwide that enjoy access to the forum, PassREg members too will also get access.

The great news: becoming a PassREg member is absolutely free!


Supporting the growth of Passive House regions towards an EU energy revolution

PassREg is an EU-funded project that aims to trigger the successful implementation of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEBs), using Passive House supplied as much as possible by renewable energies as the foundation.

Becoming a PassREg member is both free and easy – in addition to access to the iPHA Forum, PassREg members are listed on the PassREg website and get occasional updates on the project outcomes (if desired).


iPHA Membership

Reap all the benefits of iPHA membership

iPHA membership comes with far more than access to the iPHA Forum…

Passipedia, the Passive House resource, provides iPHA members with a constantly growing, interactive body of specialized Passive House knowledge.

Presentation in an online member database, featuring Passive House experts, regional organizations other Passive House stakeholders worldwide.

Regular newsletters, which keep iPHA members up to date on Passive House developments.

Discounts on Passive House Institute services and events, such as the upcoming International Passive House Conference and the designPH, the new 3D modelling tool for the PHPP.

Special access to a diverse array of Passive House materials in the iPHA member area, including presentations by Dr. Feist and others.

Interested in becoming a member? Find out about our membership conditions or become a member through one of iPHA’s Affiliate organizations.


This is a limited time offer. iPHA retains the right to discontinue forum access to PassREg members after the project’s end in spring, 2015.

The sole responsibility for the content of this email lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

