(Press Release, Passive House Institute, 29 June 2016) Darmstadt/Innsbruck/Wien.
Vienna invites to “Passive House for everyone” – Call for Papers. The Passive House Institute is looking forward to Vienna where the 21st International Passive House Conference will be taking place next year. The date and venue for the Conference have now been confirmed: experts in energy efficient construction will convene at the Messe Wien Congress Centre on the 28th and 29th April 2017. The theme for the 21 st Conference will be “Passive House for everyone”. The Call for Papers has begun.
Much has happened since the construction of the first Passive House in Darmstadt-Kranichstein in 1991. The terraced housing complex was the pioneer project of four dedicated private clients who moved into these homes with their families. Typical Passive House components such as triple-glazed windows had to be specially produced at the time as well as ventilation systems with heat recovery, thermally optimised spacers for glazing and materials for effective insulation. Today, these components are available as standard and at reasonable prices.
Sustainable solution for climate friendly construction
The energy efficient Passive House building standard has proven to be successful throughout the world. The types of building constructed to the Passive House standard have also become more diverse. “The Passive House concept is a sustainable and cost-optimal solution for the Nearly Zero Energy Building. Because it functions everywhere, it is an opportunity to implement climate protection objectives with a high level of living comfort at the same time. The associated added value is attractive especially for small and medium-sized businesses”, explains Dr. Wolfgang Feist, Director of the Institute.
Passive House for everyone
The International Passive House Conference 2017 with its theme “Passive House for everyone” provides a forum for presenting examples and ideas relating to this. Passive House buildings are now possible for all stages of life: from kindergartens, schools and universities to retirement homes. Energy efficient Passive House buildings impress with their comfort and consistently low energy demand.

The Technical University Vienna has retrofited its building at Getreidemarkt to a Passive House. The energy demand decreased from 804 to 56 kwh/(m²a). At the same time it produces 61 kwh/(m²a) renewable energy. Photo: Schöberl & Pöll
Passive House even functions in the Arctic
In addition, Passive House buildings are feasible with all construction methods, with all kinds of energy supply systems and for all budgets. The Passive House Standard can be achieved for new constructions as well as for retrofits. Moreover, from a global energy efficiency perspective, the fact that Passive House buildings work well in all climate zones including artic and tropical climates, is very important.
Vienna is committed to Passive House buildings
During the conference Vienna itself will also demonstrate its pioneering role in construction to the Passive House Standard. Numerous workshops with Passive House experts and excursions to completed Passive House buildings in Vienna and the surrounding area will round off the extensive conference programme. The Call for Papers has begun. Brief descriptions for presentations can be submitted until 1 st October 2016.
Further information can be found at www.passivehouse-conference.org