[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtq3nADTOJM[/embed] COURSE DESCRIPTION: Concrete slabs and steel beams that project through the building envelope, such as those used in the construction of balconies, canopies and parapets, break the insulation layer and create thermal bridging. Incorporating a thermal break within structural elements significantly improves the thermal performance of building envelopes and helps avoid costly issues down the road. This course discusses solutions to thermally separate the external components from the insulated…
Passive House Design and Dextall Prefabricated Walls
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVFAVwT7nj0[/embed] Full Summary: This sales presentation will focus on Dextall’s prefabricated wall systems and their ability to achieve the 5 Passive House Principles in mid- and high-rise buildings. We will also compare Dextall’s wall systems to traditional wall construction methods and highlight the significant reduction in embodied carbon that can be achieved. NYPH Webinar Presentation (5-11-23) (1) Learning Objectives: Understand the 5 Passive House Principles and how Dextall prefabricated wall…
Product Showcase | Window Specs and Submission Processes
With a switchover to an automated DOB project system, New York City now requires a more rigorous up front paperwork filing process. When it comes to windows and doors, understanding the specification and testing thresholds being requested by the DOB versus what's being requested by the passive house community adds another layer of complexity. In this talk we will provide a quick overview of how to navigate a few of…
HVAC Retrofits in the Age of Energy Codes
The RTU Replacement Model for retrofitting HVAC systems in existing buildings was developed by the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance. This model has delivered over 50% HVAC energy savings for every project completed to date. Applying Passive House ventilation combined with heat pumps, the results have been outstanding. We will share case studies, and provide a road map for attendees to develop and complete projects.
An in Factory Guide to Tips & Tricks
Wythe Windows Tips and Tricks to designing and installing the right passive house window for your project with hands on examples and a Virtual Factory Tour. During the tour we will show how a High Performance window is made and what quality control issues and design features to look for to help your window perform for many years. Wythe Windows manufactures Passive House tilt turn windows and doors in Ramsey,…
The Story of Supplying Passive House Components
Best Practices for Air & Windtight Structures
The cornerstone of any low energy build is making sure you get the airtightness right! This presentation focuses on the importance of airtightness and windtightness in both new and retrofit building design. It is led by one of our Certified Passive House Designers and among other things; discusses the value behind making the right design choices to begin, choosing the correct products for the project brief as well as then…
Understanding Stone Wool Solutions
Latest and Greatest Airsealing & Vapor Control
Description - 475 High Performance Building Supply New York Product Consultant, Nick Shaw, presents the current materials and methods being utilized by New York City construction firms to optimize building envelopes for both new construction and retrofit projects. In particular, we will review new liquid-applied membranes for interior and exterior application, fully-adhered membranes for exterior. Presenter - Nick Shaw, NY Product Consultant Nick is a PHIUS certified Consultant and Builder,…