Four Seven Five becomes Sponsor of NYPH

Masonry Retrofit A great number of historic masonry buildings exist across North America, and today they are being re-imagined with an endless variety of uses. Renovating and reoccupying these old buildings is rightly considered an act of sustainability in itself. Using the existing structure can mean 50% to 75% less embodied carbon, on day one of occupancy, than a new building would generate. In the 21st century, our existing masonry…

What is a Thermal Bridge?

A thermal bridge ‘free’ design is one of the 5 fundamental principles of Passive House design and construction. But, what even is a thermal bridge? Why are they important? And how do we go about reducing or eliminating them? We hope to answer some of these questions and more with this post, which has been adapted from the 2016 iPHA Factsheet “What is a thermal bridge?“, originally authored by PHI’s…