Installing blown-in (loose-fill) wool insulation at a professional level just got a whole lot easier. Havelock Wool is changing the game by offering blower rentals directly from Havelock. This is important because the blower they recommend most highly is not the standard model used by cellulose installers. The best part? The rental is free for the first 10 days (a refundable deposit is required.)
Why Blown-In Wool?
Sheep wool is a great choice for occupant health and indoor air quality, without the chemicals and itch of fiberglass insulation. Loose-filling, blown-in wool fits all types of cavities and can easily be blown around electrical, plumbing, and into tight corners. This makes attic installation much easier, as the blower enables quick and even coverage. At a R-value of 4.3 per inch, loose-fill Havelock Wool has a remarkable high insulation value. This gives a better sound attenuation as well: loose-fill has a Noise Reduction Coefficients (NRC) Rating of 0.95 – the highest possible rating being a 1.0.