Can you testify remotely on Friday, 12/1 @ 10am? Instructions and talking points are attached. There is a two minute limit for testimony.
Builders and fossil fuel companies have filed for a federal injunction to prevent the Building Code Council (BCC) from updating the Building Code to electrify new construction. The matter has been assigned to Judge Glenn Suddaby, who held NY’s gun laws unconstitutional. Judge Suddaby has given the BCC until 12/18/23 to file their defense.
Meanwhile, the Division of Codes & Standards has still not updated the draft 2024 Building/Energy Code to reflect NY’s electrification laws. The division said they may provide the BCC and public with a high-level summary of anticipated changes to the building code to incorporate the electrification laws at the 12/1 meeting.The 12/1 BCC meeting may be the last opportunity to tell BCC members to comply with the electrification laws before the new proposed building/energy code is filed in the State Register to commence the SAPA process.
Additionally, NYSERDA will present a comprehensive overview of its proposed new Cost Effectiveness Methodology to the BCC. NYSERDA’s original proposal failed to incorporate the benefits of averted health impacts or decarbonizing disadvantaged communities, we will find out at this meeting if they have made any changes based on the feedback they received from the public.
Meeting Details:
- Friday, December 1, 2023
- Meeting starts 10am
- Public comment period starts 11:30am (approximately)
- Attend & testify in-person in NYC, Buffalo or Albany
- Attend & testify remotely
- You will need to register to make comments once the meeting notice is posted on the Division’s website.