Presented by New York Passive House and Passive House Accelerator, the Urban Passive House Series explores Passive House solutions and lessons-learned for urban settings, drawing on built examples from major metropolises across North America.
Our upcoming session will explore the architectural journey of The Charlotte of the Upper West Side, designed by BKSK Architects. Join us as we delve into the project’s background, exploring the design opportunities and constraints faced while constructing a new building within a Landmark district.
William Russel and Todd Poison of BKSK will describe the intricate balance between blending with the historic neighborhood while embracing the client’s vision for a modern, yet harmonious, high performance building. We will learn about the Passive House strategies applied to this unique building, as we explore transformative power of visionary architecture in a historic urban setting.
Urban Passive House: Episode 4 takes place on June 22nd with an in-depth discussion followed by a lively Q+A session.