ARCHITECTS FOCUS | Mainstreaming High Performance

Short Description:

While the science and underlying concepts of sustainable development are often the same, design goals and barriers to success can vary from project to project. Through the lens of MAP’s seven NYSERDA Buildings of Excellence winners, we will explore the different ways that healthy, efficient, and low carbon strategies can be employed to overcome common challenges in development. Using the firm’s focused portfolio as context, the presenters will also discuss how we can advance the adoption of the most efficient strategies to provide better buildings for all stakeholders and how this work has resulted in a fundamental shift within architecture itself.

Presented By: Magnusson Architecture and Planning, PC

  • Sara Bayer, AIA, CPHC, LEED AP, Associate Principal
  • Rachel Simpson, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Senior Associate
  • Julie Chou, AIA, Senior Associate
  • Joe Moyer, AIA, Associate Principal
  • Kami Altman, AIA, Senior Associate, CPHD

Learning objectives:

  • Demonstrate how high performance and low carbon strategies can be deployed in multiple ways
  • Outline a carbon comprehensive approach that focuses on all impacts of a building
  • Summarizes the current status of what is cost effective now while also advancing industry adoption of the best strategies currently available.
  • Learn what is changing within the field of architecture to make a new generation of sustainable buildings possible

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