All the hard work is done for you! Simply and quickly sync your BIM model with the PHPP. Make design changes directly to your BIM or within the PHPP and then re-sync all your changes in seconds! Spend more time designing and less time on data entry. Easily sync the relevant BIM data to the PHPP…then sync any updates made in the PHPP back to the BIM!
PH Live Sync is an add-in for Autodesk® Revit® allowing two-way Live Syncing with the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP)® and the BIM.
You will learn about the features of PH Live Sync and how much easier it is to develop a Passivhaus project.
Anthony Burns is the director of a boutique building design office in Melbourne Australia that specializes in custom design homes and achieving sustainability using the highly energy efficient Passivhaus building method.
In 2016 Anthony was involved in the design and documentation of a new home in Emerald Victoria, which was one of the early Passivhaus projects in Australia to be certified.
As a designer, Anthony wanted additional design tools that support Passivhaus projects and make the design process smoother, faster, and more accurate. This led to the development of PH Live Sync, which is now a fully developed tool that integrates Autodesk® Revit® directly with the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP.)
Anthony hopes PH Live Sync will make the adoption of Passivhaus easier for designers and ultimately lead to more sustainable and energy efficient buildings around the world.
Anthony is a Registered Building Designer with more than 20 years’ industry experience in residential and commercial projects. Anthony has worked on several Passivhaus projects and is a Certified Passive House Designer and member of the Australian Passive House Association (APHA.)