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(Includes Organization/Company Membership(s) and associated benefits)
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New York Passive House (NYPH) Membership
- Our mission is to promote awareness, understanding, and application of the Passive House standard through education, events, and advocacy — focused on professionals, policy makers, and the general public throughout New York.
- Our members form a network of professionals, owners, contractors, and other stakeholders involved in the design, construction, and retrofitting of buildings — as well as those who live, work, study, or otherwise occupy those buildings. At NYPH we are actively engaged in supporting the transition of the built environment to more energy efficient, healthier, more comfortable, resilient, and environmentally responsible buildings.
- Please consider becoming a member of New York Passive House and supporting our efforts to fight Climate Change and leave a legacy for future generations.
- All New York Passive House (NYPH) Memberships are for 12 months and will renew annually based on the preferences you set when you join.
Renewing your Membership
- To renew your existing membership, please login to your account and click on “Subscriptions”.
- If you have forgotten your your login information you can reset your password.
- Please contact us if you have any questions about membership. Thank you for your support!
Contact Us >
Why Become a Member of NYPH?
Passive House has arrived and is here to stay. Passive House design and construction are gaining traction in North America with over 15 million square feet built or in the pipeline. Passive House is delivering buildings that provide evidence-based high performance in all of New Yorks’s climate zones. Affiliating with Passive House is consistent with Wayne Gretzki’s stated tactic of “skating to where the puck is going”.
The increased awareness of indoor air quality (and hygienic ventilation) due to COVID have accelerated interest in Passive House due to the continuous fresh air, superior indoor air quality, and enhanced fire resistance. Passive House protocols also result in extreme energy efficiency, comfort, durability, and increased resilience.
Your membership in New York Passive House, also includes membership in iPHA (International Passive House Association) and enables access to Passipedia, discounts on PH services, iPHA webinars, the worldwide iPHA affiliate network, Passive House+ magazine, newsletters, and community events.
The Case for Individual Membership
NYPH Individual Membership Elements/Features
- Full iPHA membership with free access to the International Passive House Database and the Members-Only section, which includes PassiPedia
- Free attendance at New York Passive House events (virtual and in person)
- Discounted attendance for NYPH-hosted trainings/workshops (includes Passive House Consultant trainings, PHPP classes, DesignPH, and others)
- Discounted attendance for Passive House Conferences (New York, North American Passive House Network, International Passive House) (virtual and in person)
- Ability to create a Profile Page and post your Passive House projects and related information in the Projects Database on the NYPH website, including a links to your website or other chosen URL
- Access to the Project Database to learn about other Passive House projects and related information from New York, across America, and around the world
- Access to the Member Area of the NYPH Slack channel
- Use of the Passive House Member logo on your website, social media, marketing or collateral materials, and business cards
Note: Proof of Student enrollment required
Determining Your Personal Value Proposition
- The real value of becoming a member will depend on your interests and priorities.
- As you contemplate investing in a Professional Membership or Student Membership, consider why others are choosing become members, and evaluate what would be of value to you.
- The compelling reasons that individuals, particularly design and building professionals, join with New York Passive House include:
Staying informed of local, regional, national and global developments, progress, and opportunities related to Passive House.
- In what ways will the ongoing flow of information about what is happening currently, and what is expected to unfold, be of value to me… or present opportunities?
Getting and remaining connected with others who are involved in Passive House design, construction, advocacy, and ownership, as well as individuals and organizations that are aligned with Passive House through their pursuit of environmentally responsible strategies, initiatives, and outcomes.
- How important is the easy access Passive House resources (information, professionals, products, and solutions) through the website’s published calendar of events, member listings, profile pages, and projects? Will you find potential allies… will they find you?
Having access to the (currently web-based) presentations, panels, education and training programs, provided by New York Passive House, that are focused on building science and the elements of designing, constructing, and managing high performing and environmentally responsible buildings
- What is the value of the frequent (several per month) learning opportunities (many include CE credits) that provide accurate and timely information related to Passive House practices and solutions, as well as current initiatives or opportunities?
The NYPH website is a place to share, and/or learn about Passive House projects, protocols, and successes across New York. Members can create a Profile Page and post their Passive House projects — and have access to the profiles and projects posted by others.
- Do you see yourself gathering ideas from the experiences and projects of other members and/or having some of those members contact you as a result of your Profile Page and posted projects?
The opportunity to make a positive difference by supporting the work and progress of New York Passive House as we work toward a carbon free, all renewable future.
- Your membership will help enable the ongoing activities and initiatives of New York Passive House. Your alliance with the New York Passive House community will add to our impact and be a tangible step toward achieving our goals. How much satisfaction will you gain from being a part of this important endeavor?
The case for Organization/Company Memberships
An Organization/Company’s specific reasons for becoming a member of New York Passive House will vary depending on their business model and their expected return on investment (ROI). Organizations choose to invest in things that are expected to provide some combination of increasing their revenues/profits, decreasing their expenses, and/or supporting/enhancing their reputations. The combination of those potential benefits, as well as their impact, will depend on the interests and circumstances of the particular organization/company.
The chart below provides a general overview of the ways that NYPH membership can benefit a broad range of Organizations/Companies — and the links below the chart enable you to “click through” to a more specific description of potential benefits, based on type of business, if you are interested.
Potential Positive Impacts of NYPH Membership to an Organization/Company
Increased Exposure and Access
- Listing of the Organization/Company in the appropriate Directory (based on field of expertise) on the NYPH website (includes link to webpage or other designated URL)
- Ability to create a Profile Page and post Projects on the NYPH website
- Recognition by potential customers, supporters or recommenders who visit the NYPH website for general or specific information
- Connection and interaction with other members and/or attendees at NYPH events, webinars, trainings, and other activities (primarily web-based for now)
- Opportunity to submit papers, events, or programs for possible posting on the NYPH Website
Enhanced Credibility/Reputation
- Ability to display the “NYPH Member” logo on your website and/or other informational and promotional platforms
- Recognition by other NYPH members as a potential supplier, partner, or ally because of your association with NYPH and our involvement with the exploding interest in evidence-based high-performance design and construction
- Your alliance with New York Passive House is evidence that your Organization/Company is taking action to address climate change and is environmentally responsible
Differentiation from Competitors
- Your potential customers, recommenders, or allies will recognize that your organization or company is associated with NYPH, you stand out from your competitors who are not
- For the increasing number of New Yorkers who are becoming aware of the personal and environmental benefits Passive House design and construction, your involvement with NYPH may be the reason that a potential customer chooses your Organization/Company over a competitor
Environmental Responsible Place to Work
- The first three bullets relate to increased success in achieving out-facing objectives… being responsible with our environment can be a very positive contributor to a company’s culture and your ability to attract likeminded people
Benefits Breakdown By Role
More specific lists of potential benefits of Membership can be found below.