PHPP + Rhino | An Introduction to IDF2PH

 The Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) is a trusted, effective tool and is critical for Passive House Certification. However in many circumstances it can be useful to pair the PHPP with a multi-zone, dynamic tool such as the US Dept. of Energy’s EnergyPlus engine which can output sub-hourly time step results. In the past, if a designer wished to utilize both of these valuable tools, that meant duplicate modeling…

International Passive House Days | Sidney Place Passive House Project

   This Brooklyn Heights Greek Revival townhouse built in 1846 is currently undergoing a full renovation and restoration that includes a 2-story rear addition, cellar excavation, roof dormers, all new Zola windows and doors, and an 18-foot wide Lamilux roof skylight. It will be EnerPHit certified and is currently under construction, with air sealing details, mechanicals, window installation details, and much more visible on the tour.

We’re on a mission to collect performance and cost data from multifamily Passive House buildings in the U.S.

Why should anyone contribute to this database? In 2019, HPD, CPC, Bright Power, and Steven Winters Associates went on a mission to identify and collect performance and cost data from multifamily Passive House buildings. While Passive House has demonstrated great success for decades, there currently isn’t a database dedicated to capturing and publishing cost and energy data from Passive House projects. This lack of available data has made it challenging…